Array ( [product_id] => 5441 [reference_code] => ITC217-PW1B-IRLZ [reference_code_visible] => [ean_code] => [upc_barcode] => [enabled] => 1 [visibility] => 1 [tax_rate_id] => 1 [tax_included] => 0 [manufacturer_id] => 14 [product_package_width] => 0 [product_package_height] => 0 [product_package_depth] => 0 [product_package_weight] => 0 [product_additional_shipping_fees] => 0 [default_category] => 5339 [payment_method_set_id] => 0 [video_1] => [video_2] => [video_3] => [client_sex] => [on_deal] => 0 [on_deal_from] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [on_deal_until] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [product_last_update_time] => 1523879798 [free_shipping] => 0 [default_shipping_cost] => 0 [lat] => 0 [lng] => 0 [reorder_link] => [video_cover] => 0 [shipping_time] => 0 [enabled_criteo] => 1 [alert_quantity] => 0 [minimum_reorder_quantity] => 0 [automatic_reorder_quantity] => 0 [recursive_deal] => 0 [test] => 0 [product_type_id] => 1 [product_book_id] => 0 [product_insert_time] => 1523874580 [bundles_number] => 0 [pieces_per_bundle] => 0 [product_net_weight] => 0 [product_gross_weight] => 0 [product_volume] => 0 [is_virtual] => 0 [ecotax] => 0 [product_insert_timestamp] => 2018-04-16 12:29:40 [product_deleted] => 0 [category_google_shopping_id] => [category_association] => 1523880030 [origin] => 0 [year] => 0 [season] => [ongoing] => [um] => 1 [Height] => [Width] => [Depth] => [Weight] => [product_combinations_serialized] => 30989:16;234 [default_supplier_id] => [product_update_timestamp] => [deleted_at] => [id] => 5441 [text] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [product_description] => [product_meta_description] => [product_meta_title] => ITC217-PW1B-IRLZ - Ritar Elettronica [product_name] => Zutritt ANPR/ Spot-Detection-Kamera [product_short_description] =>La telecamera IP ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) è progettata per il riconoscimento automatico delle targhe dei veicoli.
L'obiettivo motorizzato utilizzato con una lunghezza focale di 2.7 ... 12 mm permette la regolazione remota dell'angolo di visione.
La possibilità di alimentazione PoE, compatibile con lo standard 802.3af, rende il dispositivo ancora più versatile e più facile da installare.
>High-performance 2 Mega CMOS Sensor
[product_tags] => ) [2] => Array ( [product_description] => [product_meta_description] => [product_meta_title] => [product_name] => [product_short_description] => [product_tags] => ) [3] => Array ( [product_description] => [product_meta_description] => [product_meta_title] => [product_name] => [product_short_description] => [product_tags] => ) ) [suppliers] => 16 [suppliers_tax_rates] => [providers] => [categories] => 3065,5210,5339 [combination_id_list] => Array ( [0] => 30989 ) [combination_values] => Array ( [30989] => Array ( [combination_id] => 30989 [combination_status] => 1 [reference_code] => ITC217-PW1B-IRLZ [ean_code] => [upc_barcode] => [product_package_weight] => 0 [combination_default] => 1 [q_min_warning] => 0 [q_min_danger] => 0 [combination_sort_order] => 0 [in_evidence] => 0 ) ) [total_combination_availability] => Array ( [30989] => 0 ) [combination_availability_by_supplier] => [count_active_combinations] => 1 [attribute_value_text] => 2___attribute_value_name___Standard___234___16---1___attribute_value_name___Standard___234___16 [prices] => [combination_photos] => Array ( [30989] => Array ( [0] => 20291 ) ) [photos] => Array ( [20291] => Array ( [x50] => /uploads/x50/20291.png [x200] => /uploads/x200/20291.png [x75] => /uploads/x75/20291.png [x800] => /uploads/x800/20291.png [x2560] => /uploads/x2560/20291.png [x150] => /uploads/x150/20291.png [x640] => /uploads/x640/20291.png [x400] => /uploads/x400/20291.png ) ) [default_combination_id] => 30989 [count_product_favorite] => [avg_reviews] => [count_reviews] => [text_main_category] => 1___product_category_description___---2___product_category_description___---3___product_category_description___---1___product_category_friendly_url___---2___product_category_friendly_url___---3___product_category_friendly_url___---1___product_category_meta_description___---2___product_category_meta_description___---3___product_category_meta_description___---1___product_category_meta_keywords___---2___product_category_meta_keywords___---3___product_category_meta_keywords___---1___product_category_meta_title___---2___product_category_meta_title___---3___product_category_meta_title___---1___product_category_name___TELECAMERE LETTURA TARGHE---2___product_category_name___---3___product_category_name___---1___product_category_subtitle___---2___product_category_subtitle___---3___product_category_subtitle___ [default_category_name] => TELECAMERE LETTURA TARGHE [product_name] => Zutritt ANPR/ Spot-Detection-Kamera [count_product_photos] => 1 [product_extensions] => [combination_text] => Array ( [] => Array ( [] => Array ( [] => ) ) ) [tax_rate_values] => 1___22 [manufacturer_name] => Dahua Technology [manufacturer_description] => [features] => [feature_values] => [feature_names] => [product_ext] => [urls] => Array ( [] => Array ( [] => ) ) [collections] => [collections_by_combinations] => [category_google_shopping_name] => [combination_supplier] => [combinations] => Array ( [30989] => Array ( [16] => 234 ) ) [attribute_value_order] => [attribute_text] => 2___product_attribute_name___Standard___16---1___product_attribute_name___Standard___16 [text_lang] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [product_description] => [product_meta_description] => [product_meta_title] => ITC217-PW1B-IRLZ - Ritar Elettronica [product_name] => Zutritt ANPR/ Spot-Detection-Kamera [product_short_description] =>
>HD Image Resolution 1920(H)*1080(V)
>Motorized lens 2.7-12mm, IR distance to 15m
>Support plate Recognition(license plate and color)
>Support two way vehicle snapshot(loop and video)
>Support to embedded with white list inside the camera to control the barrier.
>Support PoE, IP67
La telecamera IP ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) è progettata per il riconoscimento automatico delle targhe dei veicoli.
L'obiettivo motorizzato utilizzato con una lunghezza focale di 2.7 ... 12 mm permette la regolazione remota dell'angolo di visione.
La possibilità di alimentazione PoE, compatibile con lo standard 802.3af, rende il dispositivo ancora più versatile e più facile da installare.
>High-performance 2 Mega CMOS Sensor
[product_tags] => ) [2] => Array ( [product_description] => [product_meta_description] => [product_meta_title] => [product_name] => [product_short_description] => [product_tags] => ) [3] => Array ( [product_description] => [product_meta_description] => [product_meta_title] => [product_name] => [product_short_description] => [product_tags] => ) ) [extension] => Array ( [] => Array ( [] => Array ( [] => Array ( [price_sale] => 0 [price_retail] => 0 ) ) ) ) [tax_rates] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [tax_rates_values] => Array ( [1] => 22 ) [supplier_tax_rates] => Array ( [0] => ) [supplier_tax_rates_values] => Array ( [] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [combinations_attribute_values] => Array ( [30989] => Array ( [0] => 234 ) ) [product_attribute_values] => Array ( [0] => 234 ) [combination_by_attribute_value_id] => Array ( [234] => Array ( [0] => 30989 ) ) [photos_original] => Array ( [20291] => Array ( [file_id] => 20291 [formats] => Array ( [x50] => /uploads/x50/20291.png [x200] => /uploads/x200/20291.png [x75] => /uploads/x75/20291.png [x800] => /uploads/x800/20291.png [x2560] => /uploads/x2560/20291.png [x150] => /uploads/x150/20291.png [x640] => /uploads/x640/20291.png [x400] => /uploads/x400/20291.png ) [extension] => png [path] => /uploads/20291.png ) ) [cover] => Array ( [x50] => /uploads/x50/20291.png [x200] => /uploads/x200/20291.png [x75] => /uploads/x75/20291.png [x800] => /uploads/x800/20291.png [x2560] => /uploads/x2560/20291.png [x150] => /uploads/x150/20291.png [x640] => /uploads/x640/20291.png [x400] => /uploads/x400/20291.png ) [cover1] => [combination_text_backup] => [attribute_names] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16 [name] => Standard ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16 [name] => Standard ) ) ) [attribute_value_names] => Array ( [2] => Array ( [16] => Array ( [234] => Standard ) ) [1] => Array ( [16] => Array ( [234] => Standard ) ) ) [default_price] => [default_price_formatted] => [geolocation] => )
>HD Image Resolution 1920(H)*1080(V)
>Motorized lens 2.7-12mm, IR distance to 15m
>Support plate Recognition(license plate and color)
>Support two way vehicle snapshot(loop and video)
>Support to embedded with white list inside the camera to control the barrier.
>Support PoE, IP67